Shin Yamagami
Shin Yamagami
    Diary, learning, writing...


  1. If the insides of airplanes were like capsule hotels, I would be so happy. I don't like chairs.

    By Shin Posted almost 5 years ago. Link
  2. I guess the number of infected people will keep increasing and get less attention.

    By Shin Posted almost 5 years ago. Link
  3. State Governors of California & Washington are too educated and misunderstand so many things.

    By Shin Posted almost 5 years ago. Link
  4. Daily exercise and taking sunlight is the basic way to stay healthy.

    By Shin Posted almost 5 years ago. Link
  5. And I guess the average age from those is much smaller... Isn't it an emergency?

    By Shin Posted almost 5 years ago. Link
  6. So about 300 people die every day in this county for homicides, suicides, and traffic accidents.

    By Shin Posted almost 5 years ago. Link

    By Shin Posted almost 5 years ago. Link
  8. The average life expectancy of the US is around 79 years...

    By Shin Posted almost 5 years ago. Link
  9. 'The average age of those who’ve died from the virus in Italy is 79.5.'

    By Shin Posted almost 5 years ago. Link
  10. Forgot one to put;

    By Shin Posted almost 5 years ago. Link
  11. Of course, not that much but a little.

    By Shin Posted almost 5 years ago. Link
  12. And that's what I did it.

    By Shin Posted almost 5 years ago. Link
  13. What could we do if we start to trust in every person on earth?

    By Shin Posted almost 5 years ago. Link
  14. Wonder why cars at rental companies are always new. I want to rent an old one for cheap.

    By Shin Posted almost 5 years ago. Link
  15. It is how much we can support every individual who has opposite idea.

    By Shin Posted almost 5 years ago. Link
  16. BTW, humanity is not making people who have different ideas quiet.

    By Shin Posted almost 5 years ago. Link
  17. How bad was it in the past?

    By Shin Posted almost 5 years ago. Link
  18. What shocks me is these numbers are actually getting better by rate.

    By Shin Posted almost 5 years ago. Link
  19. Viruses don’t care if you’re poor, rich, black, white, good, bad, or ugly.

    By Shin Posted almost 5 years ago. Link
  20. I know why they are extremely scared of the virus. it’s fair to all of us.

    By Shin Posted almost 5 years ago. Link