Shin Yamagami
Shin Yamagami
    Diary, learning, writing...


  1. What a game and March Madness is here.

    By Shin Posted 9 months ago. Link
  2. Anyway, I visited Tokyo after more than 10 years and found less crowded. Thought there were more people the last time I was there.

    By Shin Posted 9 months ago. Link
  3. He was conscience. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t speak. But he was able to move his eyes. He started to drop tears as he saw me, and it got me emotional. I started feeling so dizzy and almost threw up.

    By Shin Posted 10 months ago. Link
  4. Got a little emotional and almost threw up…

    By Shin Posted 10 months ago. Link
  5. I’m on the way to see him. I’m not sure if I’m prepared to look at him… I already know what kind of condition he is in…

    By Shin Posted 10 months ago. Link
  6. No matter how many people get killed, people here keep insisting that it’s a safe place to be… It’s so annoying…
    I was born and grew up here, and I know it’s a lie…

    By Shin Posted 10 months ago. Link
  7. Not able to know how it actually happened to him is making me feel so powerless…

    By Shin Posted 10 months ago. Link
  8. I have been always doubtful of safety in this country. Many people here argue that it is safe here because it is not in other countries. It makes me wonder why they need to compare with the others to point it out when new victims are created every day.

    By Shin Posted 10 months ago. Link
  9. Something really bad happened to my brother. He got heavily injured on his skull and brain, and I heard nobody saw how he ended up like that... Hard to avoid assuming he got attacked by somebody. Either way, he has been unconscious and under surgeries...

    By Shin Posted 10 months ago. Link
  10. Notary fees cost too much. This is crazy.

    By Shin Posted 10 months ago. Link
  11. I don't like broccoli except for stew.

    By Shin Posted 10 months ago. Link
  12. March is Basketball month but before that, there are senior days. I think I watch it twice but don't remember the first one at all. I hadn't even known what it was. It celebrates graduating players on team.

    By Shin Posted 10 months ago. Link
  13. But I know they're never going to see the result they want to see, and their next solution would be cutting down more trees. And they're going to forget why they even started to do it. It will become a scenery we have seen so many times before.

    By Shin Posted 10 months ago. Link
  14. Before every Spring, the believers here say pollen allergy is coming. Now, they say cutting down trees would solve it. I 100% disagree. The problem is they think they're right because they believe so.

    By Shin Posted 10 months ago. Link
  15. Fortunately or unfortunately, medicine in the 21st century is far from being perfect. But like people in the 15th century, most people in the 21st century believe in medicine because it is a religion for them.

    By Shin Posted 10 months ago. Link
  16. I'm really proud of the refugee and the US for doing the right thing.

    By Shin Posted 11 months ago. Link
  17. Watching a video Biden getting interrupted by protesters and noticed one thing. Nobody is on mask among Biden and his supporters. I 100% support their right not to wear masks, but you said that and you do this now?

    By Shin Posted 11 months ago. Link
  18. It doesn’t show “j” anymore but seems still recognizes the signal from it and doesn’t accept any inputs from other keys and touchpad… what a bummer… I don’t even wanna see it anymore…

    By Shin Posted 11 months ago. Link
  19. It keeps typing “j” and doesn’t accept any inputs from its touchpad. Found a mouse was working so made PowerToy set “j” disable and the problem got solved although I can’t type “j” anymore.

    By Shin Posted 11 months ago. Link
  20. My cheap Windows laptop, I haven't used that much, got broken... Shouldn't have bought it...

    By Shin Posted 11 months ago. Link